Membership of the Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club
In its foundation year, 1859, the Club boasted 94 members. Today there are more than 500. Enquiries about membership are welcomed. The information below comprises extracts from the club’s General Rules and is for guidance only. Full particulars regarding membership can be obtained on application to the Club Manager.
The Clubs membership proposal form can be downloaded HERE ,our 2025 Subscription rates can be viewed HERE and the Clubs Dress code via this link
Categories of Membership:
The Club shall consist of the following classes of member:
Members of the Club (hereinafter referred to as Members).
Family Members
Junior Members
Overseas Members.
Honorary Members.
Temporary Associate Members.
Corporate Associate Members.
Election of Members:
Any lady or gentleman having attained the age of eighteen years wishing to become a Member must be proposed and seconded by Members. The proposer shall furnish the Membership Secretary with the full name and address of the proposed member together with such further information as the Management Committee shall require from time to time. The Membership Secretary shall post the name of the proposed member with the names of the proposer and seconder in the Clubhouse at least fourteen days prior to the election. Members shall be elected by the Management Committee by ballot at the next meeting after the expiry of the said period of fourteen days. The entrance fee and the first year’s subscription of any new member shall be paid upon his election, and he shall not be a member until such entrance fee and subscription be paid; and each member, when elected, shall receive notice of his election from the Membership Secretary.
Family Members:
The Management Committee shall elect family Members following the procedure laid down in rule 4. For this purpose a family shall consist of a husband and wife (or any survivor of them) and any unmarried child of the family living at the same address nominated in the proposal who has not attained the age of twenty one years or, if in full time education, twenty five years. All the members of the family group shall have the full privileges of membership except that the family group will have one vote only at general meetings of the Club and the proposal shall nominate either the husband or wife (hereinafter referred to as the nominated member) to cast that vote on behalf of the family group and members of the group who have not attained the age of eighteen years shall be limited to the privileges of junior members as set out in rule 7.
Associate Members: (Closed for new applications)
The Management Committee may elect associate members of either sex who have attained the age of eighteen years following the procedure laid down in rule 4. Associate members shall have full privileges except that they shall not be entitled to attend any meetings of the club or, except as provided for in rules 18 and 19, take part in the management thereof. An associate member may be proposed as a member and on being elected shall be admitted to membership without an entrance fee.
Junior Members:
The Management Committee may elect junior members of either sex (not necessarily sons or daughters of members) who have not attained the age of eighteen years following the procedure laid down in rule 4. Junior members shall not be entitled to attend any meeting of the Club or, except as provided for in rules 18 and 19, take part in the management thereof and they shall conform to any house rules governing their admission to the club premises and their contact therein. The Management Committee may, at the request of any junior member, make such arrangements as appear to be expedient and appropriate for the transfer to associate membership or full membership of that member without the necessity of following the procedure prescribed for the election of full members or associate members. If such a transfer shall not have been made before 31st January following the end of the year in which the member reached the age of eighteen years, he or she shall cease to be a member of the club.
Overseas Members:
An elected member of any class whose residence is outside the United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands and Isle of Man) and Eire and who does not intend to visit the club for more than an aggregate of 14 days in any twelve consecutive months shall, if he so elects, be included in the class of overseas members. Overseas members shall be entitled to the privileges conferred by these rules on the class of member to which they would have belonged if they had not elected to be classified as overseas members. An overseas member whose visit or visits in the aggregate shall exceed the intended period of 14 days referred to above shall pay such additional amount as may be determined by the Management Committee not exceeding the difference between the overseas rate and the rate that would have been applicable if the member had not been so included.
Honorary Life Members:
The members present at the annual general meeting may elect ladies or gentlemen to be honorary life members. The name of any proposed honorary life member must be recommended by the Management Committee and the proposal for election included in the agenda of the general meeting.
Honorary Members:
The Management Committee has power to elect ladies or gentlemen as honorary members for a period not exceeding two years. Honorary members shall have the full privileges of membership, except that they shall not be entitled to attend any meetings of the club or take part in the management thereof.
Temporary Associate Members:
Members wishing to introduce their friends for a period in excess of two days may apply to the Management Committee to grant them temporary associate membership on payment of such charges as the committee may determine for a period not exceeding three months unless the committee see fit to grant an extension beyond that time.
Corporate Associate Membership:
Subject to authorisation by resolution at a general meeting and to the provisions of rule 6 about maximum numbers, the Management Committee may make arrangements with any other club, business corporation, partnership or other group for corporate associate membership on such terms as may appear to be desirable and convenient.
Serving officers in the armed forces and members of recognised yacht clubs, (subject to the approval of an officer of the Club) and, in the case of owners of yachts lying in the port, their friends on board may, subject to such limit on the frequency of use as the Management Committee may determine, be allowed to use the club premises during their stay.
Any competitor in any race sponsored by the club or organised by or on behalf of the club and any member of the crew of any such competitor may be allowed to use the club premises within a period of twenty-four hours before and after the race in which he is competing subject to such charge as the Sailing Committee may impose.